15.7 A 32Mb RRAM in a 12nm FinFet Technology with a 0.0249őľm2 Bit-Cell, a 3.2GB/S Read Throughput, a 10KCycle Write Endurance and a 10-Year Retention at 105¬įC.
15.7 A 32Mb RRAM in a 12nm FinFet Technology with a 0.0249őľm2 Bit-Cell, a 3.2GB/S Read Throughput, a 10KCycle Write Endurance and a 10-Year Retention at 105¬įC.
15.7 A 32Mb RRAM in a 12nm FinFet Technology with a 0.0249őľm2 Bit-Cell, a 3.2GB/S Read Throughput, a 10KCycle Write Endurance and a 10-Year Retention at 105¬įC.