A BJT-Based Temperature Sensor with $\pm 0.1^{\circ}\mathrm{C}(3\sigma)$ Inaccuracy from -55¬įC to 125¬įC and a 0.85pJ.K2 Resolution FoM Using Continuous-Time Readout.
A BJT-Based Temperature Sensor with $\pm 0.1^{\circ}\mathrm{C}(3\sigma)$ Inaccuracy from -55¬įC to 125¬įC and a 0.85pJ.K2 Resolution FoM Using Continuous-Time Readout.
A BJT-Based Temperature Sensor with $\pm 0.1^{\circ}\mathrm{C}(3\sigma)$ Inaccuracy from -55¬įC to 125¬įC and a 0.85pJ.K2 Resolution FoM Using Continuous-Time Readout.