As bases de dados verbais ADESSE e ViPEr: uma an√°lise constrastiva das constru√ß√Ķes locativas em espanhol e em portugu√™s (The verbal databases ADESSE and ViPEr: a contrastive analysis of locative constructs in Spanish and Portuguese)[In Portuguese].
As bases de dados verbais ADESSE e ViPEr: uma an√°lise constrastiva das constru√ß√Ķes locativas em espanhol e em portugu√™s (The verbal databases ADESSE and ViPEr: a contrastive analysis of locative constructs in Spanish and Portuguese)[In Portuguese].
As bases de dados verbais ADESSE e ViPEr: uma an√°lise constrastiva das constru√ß√Ķes locativas em espanhol e em portugu√™s (The verbal databases ADESSE and ViPEr: a contrastive analysis of locative constructs in Spanish and Portuguese)[In Portuguese].