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dcterms:bibliographicCitation <http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bibtex/journals/giq/Selmer99>
dc:creator <https://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/authors/Marsha_L._Selmer>
foaf:homepage <http://dx.doi.org/doi.org%2F10.1016%2FS0740-624X%2899%2980018-5>
foaf:homepage <https://doi.org/10.1016/S0740-624X(99)80018-5>
dc:identifier DBLP journals/giq/Selmer99 (xsd:string)
dc:identifier DOI doi.org%2F10.1016%2FS0740-624X%2899%2980018-5 (xsd:string)
dcterms:issued 1999 (xsd:gYear)
swrc:journal <https://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/journals/giq>
rdfs:label CensusCD+Maps: East Brunswick, NJ: GeoLytics, Inc., c1996-1998. Version 2.0, 1 compact disc + 1 Quick Start Guide, 43 p. $249.95 (upgrade from Version 1.1, $99.95). System requirements: Windows 98, 95, NT, or 3.1x; 386 CPU or better; minimum of 8mb (12mb recommended) RAM installed; single speed CD-ROM drive or faster; 1mb of free hard disk space is required to run from the CD-ROM only mode (the hard disk installation will take up to 4.5mb). (xsd:string)
foaf:maker <https://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/authors/Marsha_L._Selmer>
swrc:number 1 (xsd:string)
swrc:pages 75-77 (xsd:string)
owl:sameAs <http://bibsonomy.org/uri/bibtexkey/journals/giq/Selmer99/dblp>
owl:sameAs <http://dblp.rkbexplorer.com/id/journals/giq/Selmer99>
rdfs:seeAlso <http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/giq/giq16.html#Selmer99>
rdfs:seeAlso <https://doi.org/10.1016/S0740-624X(99)80018-5>
dc:title CensusCD+Maps: East Brunswick, NJ: GeoLytics, Inc., c1996-1998. Version 2.0, 1 compact disc + 1 Quick Start Guide, 43 p. $249.95 (upgrade from Version 1.1, $99.95). System requirements: Windows 98, 95, NT, or 3.1x; 386 CPU or better; minimum of 8mb (12mb recommended) RAM installed; single speed CD-ROM drive or faster; 1mb of free hard disk space is required to run from the CD-ROM only mode (the hard disk installation will take up to 4.5mb). (xsd:string)
dc:type <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text>
rdf:type swrc:Article
rdf:type foaf:Document
swrc:volume 16 (xsd:string)