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dcterms:bibliographicCitation <http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bibtex/journals/nms/Debrett11>
dc:creator <https://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/authors/Mary_Debrett>
foaf:homepage <http://dx.doi.org/doi.org%2F10.1177%2F1461444810379733>
foaf:homepage <https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444810379733>
dc:identifier DBLP journals/nms/Debrett11 (xsd:string)
dc:identifier DOI doi.org%2F10.1177%2F1461444810379733 (xsd:string)
dcterms:issued 2011 (xsd:gYear)
swrc:journal <https://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/journals/nms>
rdfs:label Review article: Post network, post broadcast: Television's third age: Graeme Turner and Jinna Tay (eds) Television Studies After TV: Understanding Television in the Post-broadcast Era, Abingdon; Oxon: Routledge, 2009; x + 214 pp 9780415477697, £65 (hbk), 9780415477703, £19.99 (pbk) Amanda Lotz (ed.), Beyond Prime Time: Television Programming in the Post-network Era, New York: Routledge, 2009; xiii + 209 pp 9780415996686, £80 (hbk), 9780415996693, £20.99 (pbk). (xsd:string)
foaf:maker <https://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/authors/Mary_Debrett>
swrc:number 1 (xsd:string)
swrc:pages 169-175 (xsd:string)
owl:sameAs <http://bibsonomy.org/uri/bibtexkey/journals/nms/Debrett11/dblp>
owl:sameAs <http://dblp.rkbexplorer.com/id/journals/nms/Debrett11>
rdfs:seeAlso <http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/nms/nms13.html#Debrett11>
rdfs:seeAlso <https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444810379733>
dc:title Review article: Post network, post broadcast: Television's third age: Graeme Turner and Jinna Tay (eds) Television Studies After TV: Understanding Television in the Post-broadcast Era, Abingdon; Oxon: Routledge, 2009; x + 214 pp 9780415477697, £65 (hbk), 9780415477703, £19.99 (pbk) Amanda Lotz (ed.), Beyond Prime Time: Television Programming in the Post-network Era, New York: Routledge, 2009; xiii + 209 pp 9780415996686, £80 (hbk), 9780415996693, £20.99 (pbk). (xsd:string)
dc:type <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text>
rdf:type swrc:Article
rdf:type foaf:Document
swrc:volume 13 (xsd:string)