Contribution of the technological advance of the speech processor to patients with Nucleus 22¬ģ (Contribui√ß√£o do avan√ßo tecnol√≥gico do processador de fala para usu√°rios de implante coclear Nucleus 22¬ģ).
Contribution of the technological advance of the speech processor to patients with Nucleus 22¬ģ (Contribui√ß√£o do avan√ßo tecnol√≥gico do processador de fala para usu√°rios de implante coclear Nucleus 22¬ģ).
Contribution of the technological advance of the speech processor to patients with Nucleus 22¬ģ (Contribui√ß√£o do avan√ßo tecnol√≥gico do processador de fala para usu√°rios de implante coclear Nucleus 22¬ģ).