FarklńĪ yapńĪ ve √∂zelliklerdeki dokuma ve √∂rg√ľ kumaŇülarńĪn elektromanyetik ekranlama etkinlińüinin araŇütńĪrńĪlmasńĪ (Investigating the shielding effectiveness of the woven and knitted fabrics with different structure and characteristics)
FarklńĪ yapńĪ ve √∂zelliklerdeki dokuma ve √∂rg√ľ kumaŇülarńĪn elektromanyetik ekranlama etkinlińüinin araŇütńĪrńĪlmasńĪ (Investigating the shielding effectiveness of the woven and knitted fabrics with different structure and characteristics)
FarklńĪ yapńĪ ve √∂zelliklerdeki dokuma ve √∂rg√ľ kumaŇülarńĪn elektromanyetik ekranlama etkinlińüinin araŇütńĪrńĪlmasńĪ (Investigating the shielding effectiveness of the woven and knitted fabrics with different structure and characteristics)