Uzman sistem destekli g√∂zetimli denetim ve veri toplama sistemi ile dńĪŇü aydńĪnlatmanńĪn kontrol√ľ (Control of outdoor lighting system by expert system supported supervisory control and data acquisition)
Uzman sistem destekli g√∂zetimli denetim ve veri toplama sistemi ile dńĪŇü aydńĪnlatmanńĪn kontrol√ľ (Control of outdoor lighting system by expert system supported supervisory control and data acquisition)
Uzman sistem destekli g√∂zetimli denetim ve veri toplama sistemi ile dńĪŇü aydńĪnlatmanńĪn kontrol√ľ (Control of outdoor lighting system by expert system supported supervisory control and data acquisition)