Derin √∂ńürenme ile k√∂pek ve kedi tibia kemikleri √ľzerindeki kńĪrńĪklarńĪn tespiti ve sńĪnńĪflandńĪrmasńĪ (Detection and classification of fractures on dog and cat tibia bones with deep learning)
Derin √∂ńürenme ile k√∂pek ve kedi tibia kemikleri √ľzerindeki kńĪrńĪklarńĪn tespiti ve sńĪnńĪflandńĪrmasńĪ (Detection and classification of fractures on dog and cat tibia bones with deep learning)
Derin √∂ńürenme ile k√∂pek ve kedi tibia kemikleri √ľzerindeki kńĪrńĪklarńĪn tespiti ve sńĪnńĪflandńĪrmasńĪ (Detection and classification of fractures on dog and cat tibia bones with deep learning)