End√ľstriyel karo √ľretiminde kalite kontrol s√ľrecinin yapay g√∂rme ve derin √∂ńürenme teknikleri ile dijitalleŇütirilmesi (Digitalizing the quality control process in industrial tile production with machine vision and deep learning techniques)
End√ľstriyel karo √ľretiminde kalite kontrol s√ľrecinin yapay g√∂rme ve derin √∂ńürenme teknikleri ile dijitalleŇütirilmesi (Digitalizing the quality control process in industrial tile production with machine vision and deep learning techniques)
End√ľstriyel karo √ľretiminde kalite kontrol s√ľrecinin yapay g√∂rme ve derin √∂ńürenme teknikleri ile dijitalleŇütirilmesi (Digitalizing the quality control process in industrial tile production with machine vision and deep learning techniques)