Oltalama saldńĪrńĪlarńĪnńĪn derin √∂ńürenme tabanlńĪ URL ve i√ßerik analizi ile hibrit tespiti (Detection of phishing attacks by using deep learning based hybrid URL and content analysis)
Oltalama saldńĪrńĪlarńĪnńĪn derin √∂ńürenme tabanlńĪ URL ve i√ßerik analizi ile hibrit tespiti (Detection of phishing attacks by using deep learning based hybrid URL and content analysis)
Oltalama saldńĪrńĪlarńĪnńĪn derin √∂ńürenme tabanlńĪ URL ve i√ßerik analizi ile hibrit tespiti (Detection of phishing attacks by using deep learning based hybrid URL and content analysis)