Dizel ara√ßlarda ses analiz y√∂ntemleri ve s√ľr√ľc√ľ bilgi sistemi tasarńĪmńĪ ile motor arńĪzasńĪ tespiti (Engine fault detection of diesel vehicles by sound analysis methods and driver information system design)
Dizel ara√ßlarda ses analiz y√∂ntemleri ve s√ľr√ľc√ľ bilgi sistemi tasarńĪmńĪ ile motor arńĪzasńĪ tespiti (Engine fault detection of diesel vehicles by sound analysis methods and driver information system design)
Dizel ara√ßlarda ses analiz y√∂ntemleri ve s√ľr√ľc√ľ bilgi sistemi tasarńĪmńĪ ile motor arńĪzasńĪ tespiti (Engine fault detection of diesel vehicles by sound analysis methods and driver information system design)