FPGA tabanlńĪ genel ama√ßlńĪ dńĪjńĪtal ikńĪz sńĪstemńĪnńĪn gelńĪŇütńĪrńĪlmesńĪ ve robot sńĪm√ľlat√∂r√ľ ńĪle bńĪrlńĪkte kullanńĪlmasńĪ (Development of an FPGA-based general purpose digital twin and using az co-simulator with robot simulator)
FPGA tabanlńĪ genel ama√ßlńĪ dńĪjńĪtal ikńĪz sńĪstemńĪnńĪn gelńĪŇütńĪrńĪlmesńĪ ve robot sńĪm√ľlat√∂r√ľ ńĪle bńĪrlńĪkte kullanńĪlmasńĪ (Development of an FPGA-based general purpose digital twin and using az co-simulator with robot simulator)
FPGA tabanlńĪ genel ama√ßlńĪ dńĪjńĪtal ikńĪz sńĪstemńĪnńĪn gelńĪŇütńĪrńĪlmesńĪ ve robot sńĪm√ľlat√∂r√ľ ńĪle bńĪrlńĪkte kullanńĪlmasńĪ (Development of an FPGA-based general purpose digital twin and using az co-simulator with robot simulator)