Multimodal machine comprehension of how-to instructions with images and text (G√∂r√ľnt√ľ ve metin i√ßeren √ßok kipli nasńĪl yapńĪlńĪr talimatlarńĪnńĪn makine ile kavranmasńĪ)
Multimodal machine comprehension of how-to instructions with images and text (G√∂r√ľnt√ľ ve metin i√ßeren √ßok kipli nasńĪl yapńĪlńĪr talimatlarńĪnńĪn makine ile kavranmasńĪ)
Multimodal machine comprehension of how-to instructions with images and text (G√∂r√ľnt√ľ ve metin i√ßeren √ßok kipli nasńĪl yapńĪlńĪr talimatlarńĪnńĪn makine ile kavranmasńĪ)