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Publication years (Num. hits)
1990 (1) 1995 (1)
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article(1) inproceedings(1)
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Found 2 publication records. Showing 2 according to the selection in the facets
Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords
2M. Molla-Hosseini, Roger M. Kerr, Robert B. Randall, R. B. Platfoot An Inspection Model with Minimal and Major Maintenance for a Flexible Manufacturing Cell using Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets. Search on Bibsonomy Application and Theory of Petri Nets The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Notation n state of device, n 0: state following a Poisson failure, n 1: operating state, n 2: minimal maintenance state, k number of stages of deterioration before deterioration failure, s at maintenance event s after s-1 minimalmaintenance the maintenance must be a major maintenance, P(i,j,n) steady-state probability that the device is in state (i,j,n), i=deterioration-stage index, j=minimal maintenance number, Pd steady-state probability that the device is being overhauled after a deteriorating failure, P0 steady-state probability that the device is out of service due to major maintenance, minimal maintenance, minimal repair respectively, 1/ d mean time between as good as new and deterioration failure if no maintenance is initiated, 1/ 0 mean time to Poisson failure, 1/ m mean time to the next maintenance event, 1/ d mean duration of overhauling the device following a deterioration failure, 1/ m mean duration of minimal maintenance, 1/ M mean duration of major maintenance, 1/ 0 mean duration of repair after Poisson failure, U steady-state unavailability of the device, PM, Pm
1Robert G. Reynolds, Jonathan I. Maletic, Stephen E. Porvin PM: A System to Support the Automatic Acquisition of Programming Knowledge. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. The full citation details ... 1990 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF partial metrics, code modules, hierarchically structured collection, object-oriented stepwise implementation, symbolic learning, frame-based encoding, problem-solving activities, sort module, software engineering, object-oriented programming, heuristic, knowledge acquisition, knowledge acquisition, aggregates, library, chunking, stepwise refinement, PM
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