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Publication years (Num. hits)
1996 (1) 2003 (1) 2007 (1) 2009 (1) 2012 (2)
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article(5) inproceedings(1)
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The graphs summarize 7 occurrences of 7 keywords

Found 6 publication records. Showing 6 according to the selection in the facets
Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords
92Song Zhang 0004, Çagatay Demiralp, David H. Laidlaw Visualizing Diffusion Tensor MR Images Using Streamtubes and Streamsurfaces. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF streamsurface, streamtube, scientific visualization, volume visualization, immersive virtual reality, Diffusion tensor imaging, DTI, DT-MRI, hyperstreamline
40Jian Chen 0006, Haipeng Cai, Alexander P. Auchus, David H. Laidlaw Effects of Stereo and Screen Size on the Legibility of Three-Dimensional Streamtube Visualization. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
40Devon Penney, Jian Chen 0006, David H. Laidlaw Effects of illumination, texture, and motion on task performance in 3D tensor-field streamtube visualizations. Search on Bibsonomy PacificVis The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
40Shyh-Kuang Ueng, Christopher A. Sikorski, Kwan-Liu Ma Efficient Streamline, Streamribbon, and Streamtube Constructions on Unstructured Grids. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. The full citation details ... 1996 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Radu Jianu, Çagatay Demiralp, David H. Laidlaw Exploring 3D DTI Fiber Tracts with Linked 2D Representations. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Vid Petrovic, James H. Fallon, Falko Kuester Visualizing Whole-Brain DTI Tractography with GPU-based Tuboids and LoD Management. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Tuboids, streamtubes, interactive gpu-centric rendering, neuronal pathways
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