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Searching for phrase weak*-structure (changed automatically) with no syntactic query expansion in all metadata.

Publication years (Num. hits)
1999-2018 (9)
Publication types (Num. hits)
article(6) inproceedings(3)
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Found 9 publication records. Showing 9 according to the selection in the facets
Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords
38Christophe Van Olmen, Stijn Verwulgen Every Banach Space is Reflexive. Search on Bibsonomy Appl. Categorical Struct. The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF locally convex approach space, totally convex module, weak*-structure, duality, Banach space
15Vasant Dhar A Comparison of GLOWER and other Machine Learning Methods for Investment Decision Making. Search on Bibsonomy EPIA The full citation details ... 2001 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
13Ning Liu, Chang Liu, Hefeng Wu, Hengzheng Zhu, Jin Zhan Weak-structure-aware visual object tracking with bottom-up and top-down context exploration. Search on Bibsonomy Signal Process. Image Commun. The full citation details ... 2018 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
13Hanan S. Al-Saadi, Won Keun Min On Soft Generalized Closed Sets in a Soft Topological Space with a Soft Weak Structure. Search on Bibsonomy Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst. The full citation details ... 2017 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
13Archontia C. Giannopoulou, Dimitrios M. Thilikos Optimizing the Graph Minors Weak Structure Theorem. Search on Bibsonomy SIAM J. Discret. Math. The full citation details ... 2013 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
13Archontia C. Giannopoulou, Dimitrios M. Thilikos Optimizing the Graph Minors Weak Structure Theorem Search on Bibsonomy CoRR The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
13Radim Tylecek, Radim Sára A Weak Structure Model for Regular Pattern Recognition Applied to Facade Images. Search on Bibsonomy ACCV (1) The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
13Rabah Rabah, Michel Malabre Weak structure at infinity and row-by-row decoupling for linear delay systems. Search on Bibsonomy Kybernetika The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
13Martin Stahl, Til Aach, Thorsten M. Buzug, Sabine Dippel, Ulrich Neitzel Noise-resistant weak-structure enhancement for digital radiography. Search on Bibsonomy Medical Imaging: Image Processing The full citation details ... 1999 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
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