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Publications at "STEG@ICWL"( )


Publication years (Num. hits)
2009 (11)
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inproceedings(10) proceedings(1)
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Found 11 publication records. Showing 11 according to the selection in the facets
Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords
1David Farrell, Patty Kostkova, Donna Lecky, Cliodna McNulty Teaching Children Hygiene Using Problem Based Learning: The Story Telling Approach to Games Based Learning. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Eeva Turtiainen, Seugnet Blignaut, Christo J. Els, Teemu Henrikki Laine, Erkki Sutinen Story-based UFractions Mobile Game in South Africa: Contextualization Process and Multidimensional Playing Experiences. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Helen Ashman, Wayne Gartner, Kirsten Wahlstrom War Games: the Role of Role-Playing in Assessment. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Enrique López Mañas, Javier Torrente, Pablo Moreno-Ger, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón Re-Telling History: A Web-based Educational Videogame for Teaching History. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1 Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games, in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Web-based Learning, STEG@ICWL 2009, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, August 21, 2009 Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Florian Mehm, Sabrina Radke, Stefan Göbel 0001 80Days: Adaptive Digital Storytelling for Digital Educational Games. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Casper Harteveld, Stephan G. Lukosch, Rens Kortmann Improving Serious Game Design with Collaborative Storytelling. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Min Chen 0009, Mizuki Miyashita, Beau Ufen, Bradley Bahls, Tyler Julian A Multimedia Scripting System for Endangered Language Learning. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Haroula Papadaki, Eleni Gadolou, Emmanuel Stefanakis Collaborative GIS platforms for Storytelling - Case Study: Battleship Averof. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust, Dietrich Albert, Elke E. Mattheiss An Educational Guide to Planet Earth: Adaptation and Personalization in Immersive Educational Games. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioanna Christou, Nikolas Perdikaris, Panagiotis Tragazikis, Alexandros Douros, Electra Galani, Dimitris Gouscos, Michalis Meimaris "The Magic Potion" - An Adventure Game for Learning. Search on Bibsonomy STEG@ICWL The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
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