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Searching for entailments with no syntactic query expansion in all metadata.

Publication years (Num. hits)
1976-2000 (16) 2001-2004 (15) 2005-2008 (25) 2009-2012 (15) 2013-2019 (17) 2020-2022 (15) 2023 (2)
Publication types (Num. hits)
article(30) inproceedings(75)
Venues (Conferences, Journals, ...)
CoRR(9) Description Logics(5) ASWC(3) ECAI(3) ECSQARU(3) ISWC(3) J. Semant.(3) CADE(2) FSTTCS(2) HLT-NAACL(2) Inf. Syst. Frontiers(2) INLG(2) JELIA(2) KR(2) LACL(2) Log. J. IGPL(2) More (+10 of total 72)
GrowBag graphs for keyword ? (Num. hits/coverage)

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The graphs summarize 50 occurrences of 45 keywords

Found 105 publication records. Showing 105 according to the selection in the facets
Displaying result #101 - #105 of 105 (100 per page; Change: )
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Previously maintained by Jörg Diederich.
Based upon DBLP by Michael Ley.
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