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Publications at "Glottometrics"( )


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Found 428 publication records. Showing 428 according to the selection in the facets
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1Xiaodong Zhao Vocabulary growth of content words of ESP and General English. A contrastive study based on CMTE and BNC. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Sergey Andreev 0002 Literal vs. Liberal Translation - Formal Estimation. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emília Nemcová Emmerich Kelih: Die Silbe in slawischen Sprachen. München - Berlin - Washington D.C.: Sagner, 188 pp. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Arjuna Tuzzi, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Peter Zörnig, Gabriel Altmann Aspects of the behaviour of parts-of-speech in Italian texts. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Peter Grzybek Michail Lopatto: Attempt at an Introduction into the Theory of Prose (1918). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Zur Verslänge bei G. A. Bürger. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emília Nemcová Gordana Duras: Generalized Poisson models for word length frequencies in texts of Slavic languages. Diss. University of Graz. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Diversifikation der starken Verben im Deutschen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Sven Naumann, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Aspects of nominal style. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Zuzana Martináková-Rendeková, Gabriel Altmann Stratification in musical texts based on rank-frequency distribution of tone pitches. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Längen von Komposita im Deutschen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emmerich Kelih, Peter Zörnig Models of morph lengths: Discrete and continuous approaches. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Wang Hua Length and complexity of NPs in Written English. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Peter Grzybek Harry Dexter Kitson (1886-959). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Haitao Liu Review of Peter Grzybek, Emmerich Kelih, Ján Mačutek (Eds.), Text and Language: Structures · Functions · Interrelations. Quantitative Perspectives. Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2010. ISBN 978-3-7069-0625-8, 251pp. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Word length distribution in French. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Radek Cech, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Euphony in Slovak poetry. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Radek Cech, Gabriel Altmann On stratification in poetry. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Andrij A. Rovenchak A naïve conception of the uncertainty principle in the multiparametric attibution of texts. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Viktor V. Levitskij, Yulia P. Melnyk Sentence length and sentence structure in English prose. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ján Macutek, Zuzana Svehlíková, Zuzana Cenkerová Towards a model for rank-frequency distributions of melodic intervals. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Radek Cech, Gabriel Altmann Vocabulary richness in Slovak poetry. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Diversification of a single sign of the Danube script. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Vadim Baevskii Academician Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov as a Scholar of Verse Theory. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Katarina Ternes Entwicklungen im deutschen Wortschatz. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Jan Andres, Martina Benesová Fractal analysis of Poe's Raven. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Lu Wang Polysemy and word length in Chinese. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Radek Cech, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Word length in Slovak poetry. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Silben-, Wort- und Morphemlängen bei Lichtenberg. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best, Jinyang Zhu Ein Modell für die Zunahme chinesischer Schriftzeichen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Laut- und Buchstabenzählung im frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Fengxiang Fan, Peter Grzybek, Gabriel Altmann Dynamics of word length in sentence. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Anja Overbeck, Arjuna Tuzzi, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Analysis of Italian word classes. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Zur Entwicklung des Wortschatzes der deutschen Umgangssprache. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Haitao Liu 0001, Yiyi Zhao, Wei Huang How do Local Syntactic Structures Influence Global Properties in Language Networks? Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emmerich Kelih The type-token relationship in Slavic parallel texts. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Andrei Beliankou, Reinhard Köhler The distribution of parts-of-speach in Russian texts. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXXVII. Eduard Sievers (1850-1932). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXXLX.Ferdinand Schrey (1850-1938). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XLI. William Palin Elderton (1877-1962). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emmerich Kelih Graphemhäufigkeiten in slawischen Sprachen: stetige Modelle. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Radek Cech, Ján Macutek Word form and lemma syntactic dependency networks in Czech: a comparative study. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Diversifikation des Phonems /r/ im Deutschen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Francesco Pauli, Arjuna Tuzzi The End of Year Addresses of the Presidents of the Italian Republic (1948-2006): discoursal similarities and differences. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Wortlängen im Englischen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emmerich Kelih XXXVI. Quantitative Hypothesen von Mikolaj Kruszewski. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Janja Laufer, Emília Nemcová Diversifikation deutscher morphologischer Klassen in SMS. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Emmerich Kelih, Karl-Heinz Best, Gabriel Altmann Diversification of the case. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Mats Eeg-Olofsson A word length regularity and its genesis. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Arjuna Tuzzi, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Parts-of-speech diversification in Italian texts. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Haruko Sanada, Gabriel Altmann Diversification of postpositions in Japanese. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXXVII. Fridrich Wilhelm Kaeding (1843-1928). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Zur Entwicklung der Entlehnungen aus dem Japanischen ins Deutsche. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Victor Lewizkij, Yulia Matskulyak Semantische Kombinierbarkeit von Komponenten in der Struktur der deutschen Komposita. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XL. Heinrich August Kerndörffer (1769-1846). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emília Nemcová Nominal suffixes in German press texts. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Andrij A. Rovenchak, Ján Macutek, Charles Riley Distribution of complexities in the Vai script. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Sinismen im Deutschen und Englischen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emmerich Kelih Modelling polysemy in different languages: A continuous approach. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Zur Diversifikation lateinischer und griechischer Hexameter. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Relja Vulanovic A mathematical analysis of part-of-speech systems. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Katharina Meuser, Jana Madlen Schütte, Sina Stremme Pluralallomorpheme in den Kurzgeschichten von Wolfdietrich Schnurre. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Nora Heinicke Wortlängenverteilungen in französischen Briefen eines Autors. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXXV. Moritz Wilhelm Drobisch (1802-1896). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann On the regularity of diversification in language. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Nadia Yesypenko Writer's voice in the texts of "Peace and War" themes. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Fengxiang Fan, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Arc length and meaning diversification in English. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Solomija N. Buk, Ján Macutek, Andrij A. Rovenchak Some properties of the Ukrainian writing system. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Zipf's mean and language typology. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Marina Knaus Zur Verteilung rhythmischer Einheiten in russischer Prosa. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Peter Grzybek, Emmerich Kelih, Ernst Stadlober The relation between word length and sentence length: an intra-systematic perspective in the core data structure. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Word length in Persian. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Das Fremdwortspektrum im Türkischen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Zuzana Martináková, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Ján Macutek, Gabriel Altmann Some problems of musical texts. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Thomas Jan, Annika Uckel Verteilung von Wortlängen in Spam-E-Mails. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ján Macutek Runes: complexity and distinctivity. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXXII. Helmut Meier (1897-1973). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXXIII. Adolf Busemann (1887-1967). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXXIV. Kaj Brynolf Lindgren (1822-2007). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Fengxiang Fan, Gabriel Altmann On meaning diversification in English. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Ján Macutek, Gabriel Altmann Word frequency and arc length. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXV. Lorenzo Bianchi (1889-1960). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Karl-Heinz Best, Gabriel Altmann On the dynamics of word classes in text. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ludmila Uhlírová Word frequency and position in sentence. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Peter Grzybek On the systematic and system-based study of grapheme frequencies: a re-analysis of German letter frequencies. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Svitlana Kiyko Wortlängen im Weißrussischen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Oxana Kotsyuba Russizismen im deutschen Wortschatz. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Sergey Andreev 0002 Some properties of a metalinguistic verbal system (in the metalanguage of the Macmillan English Dictionary's defining vocabulary). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Haitao Liu Probability distribution of dependency distance. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Reinhard Köhler, Reinhard Rapp A psycholinguistic application of synergetic linguistics. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXVII. Erwin Kunath (1899-1983). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best, Gabriel Altmann XXX. Gustav Herdan (1897-1968). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXVI. Manfred Faust (1936-1997). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Emmerich Kelih XXXI. B.I. Jarcho as a pioneer of the exact study of literature. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Zur Entwicklung des Wortschatzes der Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik und Elektrophysik im Deutschen. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ján Macutek, Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Confidence intervals and tests for the h-point and related text characteristics. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Reginald Smith Investigation of the Zipf-plot of the extinct Meroitic language. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best Quantitative Untersuchungen zum deutschen Wörterbuch. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Karl-Heinz Best XXIX. Paul Menzerath (1883-1954). Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Gabriel Altmann Writer's view of text generation. Search on Bibsonomy Glottometrics The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
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