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69S. G. Chang, D. Y. Suh, M. H. Kyung, S. H. Park, Jae-Il Jung A Strategy for Construction of a 40 Mbps Bundle of MPEG VBR Bit Streams. Search on Bibsonomy LCN The full citation details ... 1996 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bandwidth limited channel, VBR MPEG video bit streams, bit rate fluctuation, multiplexed bit stream, single layer bit streams, double layer video bit streams, statistical multiplexing gain, power spectrum density, delay QoS, loss QoS, 40 Mbit/s, static analysis, asynchronous transfer mode, ATM, dynamic analysis, queueing analysis, B-ISDN
66Yedidya Hilewitz, Ruby B. Lee Fast Bit Gather, Bit Scatter and Bit Permutation Instructions for Commodity Microprocessors. Search on Bibsonomy J. Signal Process. Syst. The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Bit scatter, Bit gather, Parallel deposit, Unpack, Algorithm acceleration, Bioinformatics, Compression, Pattern matching, Steganography, Microprocessors, Permutations, Pack, Instruction set architecture, Cryptology, ISA, Parallel extract, Bit manipulations
66Luís Teixeira, Teresa Andrade, Vitor Teixeira Joint control of MPEG VBR video over ATM networks. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP (3) The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF MPEG VBR video, joint control, digital encoding, MPEG 2 standard, transmission bandwidth, spatial redundancy, VBR encoded bit streams, dynamic multiplexing algorithms, user terminal equipment, source bit rate, channel bit rate, transmission channel, leaky bucket policing functions, video source quality, traffic contract, video coding, ATM networks, video sequences, variable bit rate, compression algorithms, picture quality, rate distortion model, video applications, temporal redundancy, bit rate control
46Arvind Krishnaswamy, Rajiv Gupta 0001 Enhancing the performance of 16-bit code using augmenting instructions. Search on Bibsonomy LCTES The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF 16-bit thumb ISA, 32-bit ARM ISA, AX instructions, instruction coalescing, performance, embedded processor, code size
44Mikio Takeuchi, Hideaki Komatsu, Toshio Nakatani A new speculation technique to optimize floating-point performance while preserving bit-by-bit reproducibility. Search on Bibsonomy ICS The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit-by-bit reproducibility, floating-point speculation, fused multiply-add, reassociation, striding, Java, prefetching, accuracy, instruction-level parallelism, software pipelining, just-in-time compiler, loop unrolling, privatization, IA-64, IEEE 754
43Lina J. Karam, Christine Podilchuk Chroma coding for video at very low bit rates. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF luminance-chrominance coordinate space, very low bit rate video coding systems, chroma coding, coded luminance data, color motion video, fixed frame constraints, bit rate constraints, hybrid waveform coding technique, model-based component, head-and-shoulders sequence, 8 to 40 kbit/s, compression, data compression, image sequences, video coding, image colour analysis
43Benjamin Farber, Kenneth Zeger Quantization of Multiple Sources Using Nonnegative Integer Bit Allocation. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
42Michelle Effros, Philip A. Chou Weighted universal transform coding: universal image compression with the Karhunen-Loeve transform. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF weighted universal transform coding, universal image compression, weighted universal vector quantization, two-stage universal transform code, Karhunen-Loeve transform coding, weighted universal bit allocation, transform/bit allocation pairs, optimal compression, mean squared error distortion measure, entropy constrained vector quantizer, entropy constrained WUVQ, vector dimensions, performance, image sequences, image sequence, transforms, image coding, discrete cosine transform, DCT, JPEG, transform coding, vector quantisation, gray scale images, two-stage algorithm, text images, encoding algorithm
42Jenny Benois-Pineau, Dominique Barba, Nikolaos Sarris, Michael G. Strintzis Video coding for wireless varying bit-rate communications based on area of interest and region representation. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP (3) The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF wireless varying bit-rate communications, region representation, videophone communications, varying bit-rate channels, homogeneous motion, 2D scene model, intraframe coding, interframe coding, region topology, region shape, polygonal vertex, rate/distortion optimization, error coding, adaptive prioritized coding, video coding, video coding, image reconstruction, human faces, available bit-rate, area of interest
42Dzung T. Hoang, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, Elliot L. Linzer Lexicographic Bit Allocation for MPEG Video Coding. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP (1) The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF MPEG video coding, lexicographic bit allocation, MPEG video coder, visual quality equalisation, coded pictures, channel constraints, video buffering verifier, bit production model, input pictures, bit-rate constraints, optimal lexicographic criterion, decoder model, perceptual quantisation, efficient algorithms, sufficient condition, code standards, pictures, necessary condition, buffer constraints, MPEG standards
41Yu Pu, Yajun Ha An automated, efficient and static bit-width optimization methodology towards maximum bit-width-to-error tradeoff with affine arithmetic model. Search on Bibsonomy ASP-DAC The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
40Arvind Krishnaswamy, Rajiv Gupta 0001 Dynamic coalescing for 16-bit instructions. Search on Bibsonomy ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF 16-bit Thumb ISA, 32-bit ARM ISA, AX instructions, instruction coalescing, performance, energy, Embedded processor, code size
40Zaid Al-Ars, Martin Herzog, Ivo Schanstra, Ad J. van de Goor Influence of Bit Line Twisting on the Faulty Behavior of DRAMs. Search on Bibsonomy MTDT The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Bit line twisting, bit line coupling, DRAMs, crosstalk noise, defect simulation, faulty behavior
40Simon Doherty, Maurice Herlihy, Victor Luchangco, Mark Moir Bringing practical lock-free synchronization to 64-bit applications. Search on Bibsonomy PODC The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF 64-bit-clean software, freelists, load-linked/store-conditional (LL/SC), population-oblivious, space-adaptive, multiprocessors, memory management, queues, lock-free, compare-and-swap (CAS), nonblocking synchronization, 64-bit architectures
40Jörg E. Vollrath, Ulf Lederer, Thomas Hladschik Compressed Bit Fail Maps for Memory Fail Pattern Classification. Search on Bibsonomy J. Electron. Test. The full citation details ... 2001 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit fail map, compressed bit fail map, catch ram, memory, DRAM
39Oded Goldreich 0001 On the Number of Close-and-Equal Pairs of Bits in a String. Search on Bibsonomy EUROCRYPT The full citation details ... 1984 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF the RSA Scheme, Bit Security, Combinatorial Bounds, Bit-String Properties, Cryptography, Public Key Cryptosystems, Combinatorial Analysis
39W. Amendola Jr., Hosahalli R. Srinivas, Keshab K. Parhi A 16-bit x 16-bit 1.2 μ CMOS multiplier with low latency vector merging. Search on Bibsonomy VLSI Design The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF CMOS multiplier, low latency vector merging, bit-level pipelined architecture, two's-complement binary array multiplier, multiplier architecture, signed-digit radix 2 adders, carry free adders, fast conversion scheme, pipelining registers, half adders, positive edge triggered registers, single phase clocking scheme, 16 bit, 50 MHz, 3 V, VLSI, parallel architectures, multiplication, VLSI architecture, CMOS logic circuits, multiplying circuits, data conversion, pipeline arithmetic, 1.2 micron
38Maria Teresa Andrade, Artur Pimenta Alves Experiments with Dynamic Multiplexing and UPC Renegotiation for Video over ATM. Search on Bibsonomy NETWORKING The full citation details ... 2000 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF renegotiation Abbreviations: AAL, ATM Adaptation Layer, ACTS, Advanced Communications, Technologies & Services, CDV, Cell Delay Variation, CDVT, Cell Delay Variation Tolerance, CTD, Cell Transfer Delay, EFCI, Explicit Forward Congestion Indication, GOP, Group Of Pictures, MBS, Maximum Burst Size, Motion Picture Expert Group, Network Interface Card, Peak Cell Rate, MCR, Minimum Cell Rate, Resource and Management, Sustainable Cell Rate, UNI, User Network Interface, Usage Parameter Control, Quality of Service, QoS, Quality of Service, ATM, ATM, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, VoD, Video on Demand, CAC, MPEG, CBR, statistical multiplexing, VBR, Variable Bit Rate, Connection Admission Control, UPC, UPC, ABR, Virtual Circuit, RM, Available Bit Rate, SCR, PCR, VC, NIC, Constant Bit Rate
38Hong Man, Faouzi Kossentini, Mark J. T. Smith A Class of EZW Image Coders for Noisy Channels. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP (3) The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF EZW image coders, generalized image coding algorithm, embedded zerotree wavelet image coding, channel error resilience, channel error robustness, output bit sequence, source/channel coding algorithm, channel mismatching problem solution, bit stream, varying channel error conditions, fixed lenght codes, wavelet transforms, bit error rates, variable length codes, subsequences, noisy channels, compression performance
38Asha Dinesh, W. Melody Moh An efficient traffic control scheme for integrated voice, video and data over ATM networks: explicit allowed rate algorithm (EARA). Search on Bibsonomy ICCCN The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF explicit allowed rate algorithm, constant bit rate traffic, available bit rate traffic, ABR traffic, rate based congestion control algorithm, proportional rate control algorithm, explicit rate indication congestion avoidance algorithm, fairness configurations, minimal switch overhead, buffer space reduction, quality of service, performance analysis, protocol, asynchronous transfer mode, video, bandwidth, ATM networks, data, voice, traffic control, integrated services, B-ISDN, network throughput, variable bit rate traffic, VBR traffic
38Florent de Dinechin Libraries of schedule-free operators in Alpha. Search on Bibsonomy ASAP The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF schedule-free operators, digital circuits synthesis, bit-level, binary implementation, bit-level dependency analysis, bit-parallel array, parallelism, digital circuits, arithmetic operators, affine recurrence equations, matrix-vector product
38Raschid Karabek A native ATM protocol architecture design and performance evaluation. Search on Bibsonomy LCN The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF native ATM protocol architecture design, native ATM protocol architecture performance evaluation, native mode ATM access, homogeneous ATM networks, information streams, common service access point, transport layer functionality, end-to-end error, datagram transfer, VC multiplexing, variable bit rate connections, constant bit rate connections, sporadic burst superimposition, data channels, maximised effective end-re-end throughput, unspecified bit rate service, asynchronous transfer mode, congestion control, ATM networks, multimedia applications, flow control, Quality of Service guarantees, virtual connections
37Yi Hong 0002, Qingsheng Ren, Jin Zeng Unit Bit Importance Evolutionary Algorithm. Search on Bibsonomy Soft Comput. The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Bit importance, Convergent order of bit, Weighted probability, Genetic algorithms
37David Cyrluk, M. Oliver Möller, Harald Rueß An Efficient Decision Procedure for the Theory of Fixed-Sized Bit-Vectors. Search on Bibsonomy CAV The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
36Martijn Stam Beyond Uniformity: Better Security/Efficiency Tradeoffs for Compression Functions. Search on Bibsonomy CRYPTO The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
36Yee Jern Chong, Sri Parameswaran Rapid application specific floating-point unit generation with bit-alignment. Search on Bibsonomy DAC The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit-alignment, datapath merging, floating-point
36Evan Tan, Jing Chen Towards a Stringent Bit-Rate Conformance for Frame-Layer Rate Control in H.264/AVC. Search on Bibsonomy PCM The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF frame-layer, linear R-Q model, H.264/AVC, rate control, complexity measure, bit allocation
36Jun-Xia Ma, Sai-Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U., Rui Paulo Martins A power-efficient 1.056 GS/s resolution-switchable 5-bit/6-bit flash ADC for UWB applications. Search on Bibsonomy ISCAS The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
35Emre Özer 0001, Andy Nisbet, David Gregg A stochastic bitwidth estimation technique for compact and low-power custom processors. Search on Bibsonomy ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Bit-width analysis, custom hardware, FPGA, statistical estimation, extreme value theory
35Ganesan Umanesan, Eiji Fujiwara A Class of Random Multiple Bits in a Byte Error Correcting and Single Byte Error Detecting (S_t/b EC-S_bED) Codes. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Computers The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Random multiple bits in a byte error, single t/b-error correcting—single b-bit byte error detecting (St/bEC-SbED) codes
35Uwe Horn, Thomas Wiegand, Bernd Girod Bit Allocation Methods for Closed-Loop Coding of Oversampled Pyramid Decompositions. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP (2) The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit allocation methods, closed-loop coding, oversampled pyramid decompositions, quantization noise feedback, selected operational points, optimal open-loop bit allocation, video coding, resolution, scalable video coding, rate-distortion performance
35D. V. Poornaiah, P. V. Ananda Mohan Design of a 3-bit Booth recoded novel VLSI concurrent multiplier-accumulator architecture. Search on Bibsonomy VLSI Design The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF concurrent multiplier-accumulator architecture, second order modified Booth algorithm, sign extension bits minimization algorithm, sign-bit updating algorithm, multi-bit recoded parallel multipliers, computation time reduction, CMOS standard cell technology, 35 ns, 50 pF, parallel algorithms, VLSI, VLSI, parallel architectures, digital arithmetic, multiplication, CMOS logic circuits, multiplying circuits, accumulation, 1 micron
34Yuwen Wu, Yongying Gao, Ying Chen Bit Depth Scalable Coding. Search on Bibsonomy ICME The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Benjamin Farber, Kenneth Zeger Quantization of Multiple Sources Using Integer Bit Allocation. Search on Bibsonomy DCC The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Yufei Yuan, Mrinal K. Mandal 0001 An embedded wavelet image coder with parallel encoding and sequential decoding of bit-planes. Search on Bibsonomy ISCAS (3) The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Zoran Cvetkovic, Ingrid Daubechies Single-Bit Oversampled A/D Conversion with Exponential Accuracy in the Bit-Rate. Search on Bibsonomy Data Compression Conference The full citation details ... 2000 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF analog-to-digital, single-bit, Oversampling
33Anthony G. Nguyen, Jenq-Neng Hwang Scene context dependent rate control. Search on Bibsonomy ACM Multimedia The full citation details ... 2001 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF constant bit rate (CBR), rate control (RC), scene context dependent (SCD), variable bit rate (VBR)
33Chien-Chih Chen, Tom Chen Modified Rate-Distortion Function with Optimal Classification for Wavelet Coding. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP (3) The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF optimal classification, hybrid optimum classification, modified rate-distortion function, wavelet transform based coding, upper band subimage, minimum quantization error, efficient prediction model, asymptotic rate-distortion function, classified VQ, computation load reduction, biorthogonal wavelet filter, wavelet transforms, prediction model, performance comparison, wavelet decomposition, bit allocation, low bit rates
33Dong Ye 0004, Joydeep Ray, Christophe Harle, David R. Kaeli Performance Characterization of SPEC CPU2006 Integer Benchmarks on x86-64 Architecture. Search on Bibsonomy IISWC The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
33Chris Wilkerson, Alaa R. Alameldeen, Zeshan Chishti, Wei Wu 0024, Dinesh Somasekhar, Shih-Lien Lu Reducing cache power with low-cost, multi-bit error-correcting codes. Search on Bibsonomy ISCA The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF ecc, edram, idle power, idle states, multi-bit ecc, refresh power, vccmin, dram
33Mythili Vutukuru, Hari Balakrishnan, Kyle Jamieson Cross-layer wireless bit rate adaptation. Search on Bibsonomy SIGCOMM The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF SoftPHY, bit rate adaptation, wireless, cross-layer
33Lei Wang 0031, Yu Sasaki, Kazuo Sakiyama, Kazuo Ohta Bit-Free Collision: Application to APOP Attack. Search on Bibsonomy IWSEC The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit-free collision, APOP, hash function, MD5, MD4
33Robert D. Cameron A case study in SIMD text processing with parallel bit streams: UTF-8 to UTF-16 transcoding. Search on Bibsonomy PPoPP The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF UTF-16, UTF-8, parallel bit streams, simd text processing, transcoding
33Yin Chan, Sun-Yuan Kung Bit Level Block Matching Systolic Arrays. Search on Bibsonomy ASAP The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit level systolic array, video signal processing architecture, pipeline, block matching
32Michael Bolotski, Thomas Simon, Carlin Vieri, Rajeevan Amirtharajah, Thomas F. Knight Jr. Abacus: a 1024 processor 8 ns SIMD array. Search on Bibsonomy ARVLSI The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit-slice computers, Abacus, SIMD array, reconfigurable bit-parallel array, system-level design issues, real-time early vision processing, bit-slice processing element, 8 ns, real-time systems, computer vision, VLSI, parallel architectures, reconfigurable architectures, microarchitecture, VLSI implementation, communication primitives
32Muhammad Altaf, Ekram Khan, Mohammed Ghanbari 0001 Switching frames for constant bit rate video streams. Search on Bibsonomy MobiMedia The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF switching frames, multimedia, video streaming, H.264/AVC, variable bit rate, constant bit rate
32Ranjan Chaudhuri Teaching bit-level algorithm analysis to the undergraduates in computer science. Search on Bibsonomy ACM SIGCSE Bull. The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit-level, bit-size, algorithms, complexity, run-time
32Paul Pritchard A Fast Bit-Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Subset Partial Order. Search on Bibsonomy Algorithmica The full citation details ... 1999 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Subset graph, Subset partial order, Bit-parallel operation, Set-theoretic algorithms, Combinatorial set theory, Analysis of algorithms, Bit vector
32Dietmar Saupe, B. Butz Real-Time Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding with Adaptive Mean-Removed Vector Quantization. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP (1) The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF real-time very low bit rate video coding, adaptive mean-removed vector quantization, software-only implementation, frame replenishment, VQ codebook, search complexity reduction, adaptive codebook, head-and-shoulder image sequences, circuit switched applications, algorithms, video coding, personal computers, test sequences, entropy coding, video codec, block coding, bit rate reduction, video phone
32Hongsheng Cai, Gagan Mirchandani Wavelet transform and bit-plane encoding. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit-plane encoding, region representation coding, scalar quantization, lossless auto-adaptive block bit-plane encoding technique, intra-subband correlation, image segmentation, wavelet transforms, wavelet transform, data compression, image coding, image compression, image representation, transform coding, correlation methods, block codes, adaptive codes
32Dihong Tian, Ghassan Alregib BaTex3: Bit Allocation for Progressive Transmission of Textured 3-D Models. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
32Eirik Rosnes, Øyvind Ytrehus On the Design of Bit-Interleaved Turbo-Coded Modulation With Low Error Floors. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Commun. The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
32Sangwoon Yang, Jinsub Park, Younggap You The Smallest ARIA Module with 16-Bit Architecture. Search on Bibsonomy ICISC The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Cryptography, Low Power Design, ARIA
32Shigeto Tanaka, Yuji Gohda, Yasuhiro Sugimoto The realization of a mismatch-free and 1.5-bit over-sampling pipelined ADC. Search on Bibsonomy ISCAS (6) The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
32Sugiri Pranata, Yong Liang Guan 0001, Hock Chuan Chua Improved bit rate control for real-time mpeg watermarking. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
32Mehrun Mokhtari, Ali Ladjemi, Urban Westergren, Lars Thylén Bit-rate transparent electronic data regeneration in repeaters for high speed lightwave communication systems. Search on Bibsonomy ISCAS (2) The full citation details ... 1999 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
31Dong-Guk Han, Jongin Lim 0001, Kouichi Sakurai On Security of XTR Public Key Cryptosystems Against Side Channel Attacks. Search on Bibsonomy ACISP The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF XTR Public Key Cryptosystem, Data-bit DPA, Address-bit DPA, doubling attack, Side Channel Attacks, SPA
31A. Al-Badarneh, Farshad Fotouhi The SBS: An Efficient Index Structure for Spatial Database Applications. Search on Bibsonomy DEXA Workshops The full citation details ... 2000 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF SBS index structure, spatial data access, Spatial Bit-Sliced index, Bit-Sliced indexing method, input output performance, loading algorithms, insertion algorithms, deletion algorithms, TIGER data files, data structure, spatial database, visual databases, performance improvement, bitmap indexing, R*-tree
30Randal E. Bryant, Daniel Kroening, Joël Ouaknine, Sanjit A. Seshia, Ofer Strichman, Bryan A. Brady An abstraction-based decision procedure for bit-vector arithmetic. Search on Bibsonomy Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Decision-procedures, Bit-vector
30M. Ziaur Rahman, J. Ian Munro Integer Representation and Counting in the Bit Probe Model. Search on Bibsonomy ISAAC The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF bit probe model, data structure, lower bound, Gray code
30Panagiotis Manolios, Sudarshan K. Srinivasan A Framework for Verifying Bit-Level Pipelined Machines Based on Automated Deduction and Decision Procedures. Search on Bibsonomy J. Autom. Reason. The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF pipelined machines, bit-level, verification, refinement, automated reasoning, ACL2
30Xiangui Kang, Junqiang Lan, Li Liu 0009, Xinhua Zhuang SNR-Based Bit Allocation in Video Quality Smoothing. Search on Bibsonomy PCM The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Constant-SNR, Quality Smoothing, Video Streaming, Bit Allocation
30Heikki Hyyrö, Kimmo Fredriksson, Gonzalo Navarro 0001 Increased bit-parallelism for approximate and multiple string matching. Search on Bibsonomy ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF multiple string matching, Approximate string matching, bit-parallelism
30Noha H. Mahmoud, Maged Ghoneima, Yehea I. Ismail Physical limitations on the bit-rate of on-chip interconnects. Search on Bibsonomy ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF damping factor, delay, interconnects, bit-rate
30Ad J. van de Goor, Issam B. S. Tlili A Systematic Method for Modifying March Tests for Bit-Oriented Memories into Tests for Word-Oriented Memories. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Computers The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Bit-oriented memories, word-oriented memories, fault models, march tests, data backgrounds
30Wen Sun 0001, Yan Lu 0001, Feng Wu 0001 Bit-Stream Switching in Multiple Bit-Rate Video Streaming using Wyner-Ziv Coding. Search on Bibsonomy ICME The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Charles R. Kalmanek, Srinivasan Keshav, William T. Marshall, Samuel P. Morgan, Robert C. Restrick Xunet 2 lessons from an early wide-area ATM testbed. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. The full citation details ... 1997 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF asynchronous transfer mode, variable bit rate, available bit rate, constant bit rate
29Sivaram Gopalakrishnan, Priyank Kalla, Florian Enescu Optimization of Arithmetic Datapaths with Finite Word-Length Operands. Search on Bibsonomy ASP-DAC The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF arithmetic datapaths, finite word length, operands, polynomial computations, finite integer rings, CAD, area optimization, bit vectors
29Motohiro Kawahito, Hideaki Komatsu, Toshio Nakatani Effective sign extension elimination for java. Search on Bibsonomy ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Sign extension, Java, JIT compilers, IA-64, 64-bit architecture
29Motohiro Kawahito, Hideaki Komatsu, Toshio Nakatani Effective Sign Extension Elimination. Search on Bibsonomy PLDI The full citation details ... 2002 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF sign extension, Java, JIT compilers, IA-64, 64-bit architectures
29Heikki Hyyrö, Gonzalo Navarro 0001 Bit-Parallel Witnesses and Their Applications to Approximate String Matching. Search on Bibsonomy Algorithmica The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Backward DAWG matching, Myers bit-parallel algorithm, Average-optimal string matching allowing errors, Bit-parallelism
29Weilian Su, Ian F. Akyildiz The jitter time-stamp approach for clock recovery of real-time variable bit-rate traffic. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. The full citation details ... 2001 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF ATM adaptation layer 2 (AAL2), constant bit-rate (CBR), timing recovery, synchronization, ATM networks, variable bit-rate (VBR)
29Serafim N. Efstratiadis, Michael G. Strintzis, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos Motion field prediction and restoration for low bit-rate video coding. Search on Bibsonomy ICIP The full citation details ... 1995 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF motion field prediction, motion vector field prediction methods, motion compensated video coding, low bit rate transmission, spatiotemporally adaptive regularization, neighborhood information, initial prediction estimate, Kalman MVF restoration, image intensity temporal updates, restoration method, transmission cost reduction, videoconference image sequences, performance, motion estimation, image sequences, experiments, video coding, image restoration, image restoration, encoder, adaptive systems, image representation, decoder, motion compensation, teleconferencing, prediction theory, low bit-rate video coding
29Fredrik Brannstrom, Lars K. Rasmussen Classification of Unique Mappings for 8PSK Based on Bit-Wise Distance Spectra. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Mitra Mirhassani, Majid Ahmadi, Graham A. Jullien Low-Power Mixed-Signal CVNS-Based 64-Bit Adder for Media Signal Processing. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst. The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Yuwen Wu, Yongying Gao, Ying Chen Bit-depth scalable coding based on macroblock level inter-layer prediction. Search on Bibsonomy ISCAS The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Weisi Lin, Li Dong Adaptive downsampling to improve image compression at low bit rates. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Image Process. The full citation details ... 2006 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Alp Ertürk, Sarp Ertürk Two-bit transform for binary block motion estimation. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Robert Schober, Ivan Ho, Lutz H.-J. Lampe Enhanced multiple-bit differential detection of DOQPSK. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Commun. The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29John C. Handley Minimal-memory bit-vector architecture for computational mathematical morphology using subspace projections. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Image Process. The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Yat-Fong Yung, Amine Bermak A PWM DPS with pixel-level reconfigurable 4/8-bit counter/SRAM. Search on Bibsonomy ISCAS (2) The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Sumeet Kumar, Prateek Pujara, Aneesh Aggarwal Bit-Sliced Datapath for Energy-Efficient High Performance Microprocessors. Search on Bibsonomy PACS The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
29Hak-soo Yu, Jacob A. Abraham An Efficient 3-Bit -Scan Multiplier without Overlapping Bits, and Its 64x64 Bit Implementation. Search on Bibsonomy ASP-DAC/VLSI Design The full citation details ... 2002 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF 3-bit-scan, power-delay-area tradeoffs, synchronous sequential, multiplier, partial product
28Valerio De Santis, Antonio Di Francesco, Kenneth R. Foster, Giorgi Bit-Babik, Antonio Faraone Monte-Carlo Based Numerical Dosimetry in Reverberation Chamber Exposure Systems Employed for in-Vivo Rodent Bioassays. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Access The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Jayasree Sengupta, Sushmita Ruj, Sipra Das Bit FairShare: Blockchain Enabled Fair, Accountable and Secure Data Sharing for Industrial IoT. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag. The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Arthur Bit-Monnot, Paul Morris Dynamic Controllability of Temporal Plans in Uncertain and Partially Observable Environments. Search on Bibsonomy J. Artif. Intell. Res. The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Tamal Pal, Sipra Das Bit An Improved Low-Overhead Secure Image Compression over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network. Search on Bibsonomy Wirel. Pers. Commun. The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Roland Godet, Charles Lesire, Arthur Bit-Monnot Multi-Robot Task Planning to Secure Human Group Progress. Search on Bibsonomy AREA@ECAI The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Jayasree Sengupta, Sushmita Ruj, Sipra Das Bit FairShare: Blockchain Enabled Fair, Accountable and Secure Data Sharing for Industrial IoT. Search on Bibsonomy CoRR The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Khemraj Deshmukh, Saurabh Gupta, Arindam Bit Evaluation of heat transfer in porous scaffolds under cryogenic treatment: a numerical study. Search on Bibsonomy Medical Biol. Eng. Comput. The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Bharti Mishra, Shashikanta Tarai, Vinod Ratre, Arindam Bit Processing of attentional and emotional stimuli depends on retrospective response of foot pressure: Conceptualizing neuron-cognitive distribution in human brain. Search on Bibsonomy Comput. Biol. Medicine The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Nabanita Das 0002, Souvik Basu, Sipra Das Bit OlaRout: Optimal dropbox deployment based cluster routing for post disaster information exchange in a smart city. Search on Bibsonomy Peer Peer Netw. Appl. The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Arthur Bit-Monnot Enhancing Hybrid CP-SAT Search for Disjunctive Scheduling. Search on Bibsonomy ECAI The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Philippe Hérail, Arthur Bit-Monnot Leveraging Demonstrations for Learning the Structure and Parameters of Hierarchical Task Networks. Search on Bibsonomy FLAIRS The full citation details ... 2023 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Valerio De Santis, Antonio Di Francesco, Giorgi Bit-Babik, John Roman, Walid El Hajj On the Correlation Between Incident Power Density and Temperature Increase for Exposures at Frequencies Above 6 GHz. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Access The full citation details ... 2022 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Antonio Di Francesco, Valerio De Santis, Giorgi Bit-Babik, Antonio Faraone An Efficient Plane-Waves Superposition Method for Improved Spatial Correlation in Simulated Reverberation Chambers. Search on Bibsonomy IEEE Access The full citation details ... 2022 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Kaustuv Mandal, Suman Halder, Pulakesh Roy, Manash K. Paul, Sipra Das Bit, Rajib Banerjee An Online Mobility Management System to Automatically Avoid Road Blockage and COVID-19 Hotspots. Search on Bibsonomy New Gener. Comput. The full citation details ... 2022 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Jayasree Sengupta, Sushmita Ruj, Sipra Das Bit SPRITE: A Scalable Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Collaborative Learning for Industrial IoT. Search on Bibsonomy CoRR The full citation details ... 2022 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Sarula Chang, Bit-Shun Tam, Jianxi Li, Yirong Zheng Graphs G with nullity 2c(G)+p(G)-1. Search on Bibsonomy Discret. Appl. Math. The full citation details ... 2022 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
28Shashikanta Tarai, Qurratul Ain Quais, Vinod Ratre, Arindam Bit Neurocognitive functions of prosocial and unsocial incongruency information during language comprehension: evidence from time-frequency analysis of EEG signals. Search on Bibsonomy Medical Biol. Eng. Comput. The full citation details ... 2022 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
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